This script was build with Bar Hofesh and it’s purpose it to be a first test you apply while conducting an infrastructure pentest.
Any ideas or comments – fell free to contact us and propose.
#!/bin/bash # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # ..__...__.........._____. # _/ |_|__|._______/ ___\ # \ __\ |/ ___/\ __\. # .| |.| |\___ \..| |... # .|__|.|__/____ >.|__|... # ..............\/......... # # Automatic Network Reconnasaince Tool # # Build by Yuval (tisf) Nativ and Bar (ba7a7chy) Hofesh # of the See-Security Group # # yuval@see-security.com # # http://www.see-security.com # http://www.hackingdefined.org # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo '' echo 'Error: This script must be run as root' 1>&2 echo '' exit 1 fi clear PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' arp-scan|grep "install ok installed") echo 'Checking for arp-scan: '$PKG_OK if [ "" == "$PKG_OK" ]; then echo "Resolving dependencies, please wait." sudo apt-get --force-yes --yes install arp-scan fi PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' nmap|grep "install ok installed") echo 'Checking for nmap: '$PKG_OK if [ "" == "$PKG_OK" ]; then echo "Resolving dependencies, please wait." sudo apt-get --force-yes --yes install nmap fi PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' tcpdump|grep "install ok installed") echo 'Checking for tcpdump: '$PKG_OK if [ "" == "$PKG_OK" ]; then echo "Resolving dependencies, please wait." sudo apt-get --force-yes --yes install tcpdump fi PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' nbtscan|grep "install ok installed") echo 'Checking for nbtscan: '$PKG_OK if [ "" == "$PKG_OK" ]; then echo "Resolving dependencies, please wait." sudo apt-get --force-yes --yes install nbtscan fi clear echo "" echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo '' echo ' .__.................__......................_._.........' echo ' / _\.___..___....../ _\.___..___._..._._.__(_) |_._..._.' echo ' \ \./ _ \/ _ \_____\ \./ _ \/ __| |.| | __| | __| |.| |' echo ' _\ \ __/ __/_____|\ \ __/ (__| |_| | |..| | |_| |_| |' echo ' \__/\___|\___|.....\__/\___|\___|\__,_|_|..|_|\__|\__, |' echo ' ..................................................|___/.' echo '' echo ' Automatic Network Reconnasaince Tool' echo '' echo ' Build by Yuval (tisf) Nativ and Bar (ba7a7chy) Hofesh' echo ' of the See-Security Group' echo '' echo ' http://www.see-security.com' echo ' http://www.hackingdefined.org' echo '' echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' echo "" echo "What is the project's name: " read company echo "Creating directory structure for $company..." mkdir $company-`date +%Y-%m-%d` cd $company-`date +%Y-%m-%d` echo '' > EventLog.log echo 'Project '$company' initiated at ' `date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` > EventLog.log echo "" interfaces=$(/sbin/ifconfig |grep -e ^[a-z] | awk '{ printf $1 " "}') echo "Your network adapters and their configuration:" for i in $interfaces do addr=$(/sbin/ifconfig $i | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}') echo "$i : $addr" done echo "Please choose network adapter (eth0/eth1/wlan0/wlan1): " read netadpt echo " Network adapted choosen:" `/sbin/ifconfig $netadapt | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` >> EventLog.log echo "" echo "Please choose scan type:" echo " [1] I have plenty of time here, Give me the comprehensive one." echo " [2] Make it a quick one. (arp+basic nmap)" echo " [3] Just give me live hosts and solve their MAC address. " echo " [4] Forget about the scanning and give me something fun!. " read scantype echo " Scan type choosen: $scantype" >> EventLog.log echo "" >> EventLog.log echo "" echo "" echo "The project $company will start now. Please wait as information appears on screen." echo "" echo "" echo "" echo 'Scan on '$company' initiated at ' `date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log tcpdump -c 50000 -i $netadpt -w $company.cap &> /dev/null & echo '' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Started listener. Information logged to '$company'.cap' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - ARP scan initiated and saved to file.' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log arp-scan -I $netadpt -l > arp-scan.txt echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - ARP scan done. '`cat arp-scan.txt | grep responded | awk '{print $12}'` ' hosts found!' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Now extracting IP addresses from file...' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' arp-scan.txt > arp_ip_extracted.tmp echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - '`cat arp-scan.txt | grep responded | awk '{print $12}'` ' IPs extracted.' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`cat arp_ip_extracted.tmp` 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log case "$scantype" in 1) N=0 counter=`wc -l "arp_ip_extracted.tmp" | awk '{print $1'}` cat arp_ip_extracted.tmp | while read IPADDR ; do N=$((N+1)) echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Now proceeding to host '$N' out of '`cat arp-scan.txt | grep responded | awk '{print $12}'`'.' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Starting scan for: '`echo $IPADDR` '...' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log nmap -Pn -T4 -PE -sV -PS22,25,80 -PA21,23,80,3389 $IPADDR >> $IPADDR.log nbtscan -hv $IPADDR >> $IPADDR.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Scan for '`echo $IPADDR` ' completed and documented in '$IPADDR'.log' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log done ;; 2) N=0 counter=`wc -l "arp_ip_extracted.tmp" | awk '{print $1'}` cat arp_ip_extracted.tmp | while read IPADDR ; do N=$((N+1)) echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Now proceeding to host '$N' out of '`cat arp-scan.txt | grep responded | awk '{print $12}'`'.' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Starting scan for: '`echo $IPADDR` '...' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log nmap -Pn $IPADDR >> $IPADDR.log nbtscan -hv $IPADDR >> $IPADDR.log echo ' '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' - Scan for '`echo $IPADDR` ' completed and documented at '$IPADDR'.log' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log done ;; 3) echo "Recon endded." ;; 4) firefox 9gag.com ;; *) echo "Exception. Will now Quit." ;; esac clear echo '' echo ' Killing tcpdump....' pkill tcpdump echo ' Scan completed at '`date +%Y-%m-%d::%H:%S:%N` ' .' 2>&1 | tee -a EventLog.log echo ' A total of '`cat arp-scan.txt | grep responded | awk '{print $12}'`' hosts scanned.' echo ' To view log see EventLog.log file.' echo ' To view scan result of nmap go to nmap.log .' echo ' Bee good.' echo ''