Dear Applicant,
Thank you for showing interest in our Hacking Defined Experts program. This document is intended to provide all the information needed about the course, the logistics and requirements of the program. Please read it carefully and save it for later reference during or prior to the course.
What to Expect
The study of hacking is a complex one. In this program we try to give the basics and a bit more to all of th fields of hacking. Homeworks are crucial to the success of the students. In this course we have 3 types of homeworks:
- Regular Homeworks – Homeworks which are, as in every other place, for you to hand out so that we can follow your progress in class.
- Bridge Works – Materials which are important and vital to the rest of the classes. Some information is crucial for the understanding of the rest of the program and you will be getting challenges and reading materials which are expected to learn between classes.
- After Grad – Further reading materials and exercises for when the course is finished so you can learn more about topics which are important but we did not get to cover in class.
To fully exhaust the materials of this course you will need an understanding of the following fields as requirements to start the study:
- Scripting – Ruby / Python / Perl. Need to be able to understand VBS [Learn Here]
- Programming – C / C++ / Delphi / .NET
- Win – A good understanding and functioning within Windows environment
- *nix – basic understanding of the system. We will give further overview of the system.
- Networking – a good and practical knowledge of networking. OSI and TCP/IP are a must. [Learn Here]
- English – good technical English.
- Cryptography – not a must but will be very helpful. [Learn Here]
They campus is located at Ha’Hilzaon 3, Ramat Gan, Israel at the Israeli Institute for Technology & Communications. Each sessions is 4 academic hours. At the beginning of each course the students will receive a student’s study kit which includes presentations, links, practice material, and more. The students will automatically be joined into a course forum which will be available for the rest of the class and will contain materials, homeworks, a forum to contact your classmates and more.
No particular machine is needed for the course. Labs and machines are in place at the campus. In case you do decide to bring a laptop with you, the following items are required:
- Full root/Admin access to the machine – no exceptions.
- 2 USB ports.
- At least 2GB of RAM.
- No restrictions on the machines such as encrypted disks.
Final and Important Notes
For more information you should download this file with all the prerequisites and where to learn and complete them.
For the full syllabus you can click here and download it. It is important to notice that we will not test you on your knowledge prior to the entrance to the course. In case you will not have the basic requirements needed to complete the course you will not make the best of it and probably will not finish the course. It is vital that you will be honest with your self.